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Installing and configuring Solr 6 without SSL

Use this information to install SkyVault Search Services with Solr 6 on the same machine as SkyVault without SSL.
This task assumes that you have:
  • Installed SkyVault Content Services 5.2. See Installing using setup wizards.
  • Set the following properties in the file:
  1. Download and unzip the Solr 6 distribution, to a preferred location.

    By default, the contents of are decompressed in a root folder as /alfresco-search-services.

  2. (Optional) If you want to install Solr 6 on a separate machine, check the following before starting Solr 6:
    1. Check/update SkyVault-search-services/ file (Linux-based platform) or SkyVault-search-services/ file (Windows-based platform) for the values of environment variables, such as SOLR_SOLR_HOST and SOLR_SOLR_PORT.
    2. Check/update SkyVault-search-services/ file (Linux-based platform) or SkyVault-search-services/ file (Windows-based platform) for the values of environment variables, such as SOLR_ALFRESCO_HOST and SOLR_ALFRESCO_PORT.

      See Solr 6 externalized configuration.

  3. (Optional) Update the SkyVault-search-services/solrhome/conf/ file.

    • Unlike Solr 4, suggestion is disabled by default for Solr 6. If you want to enable suggestion, add the following:{}name{}title{}description{}content
    • If you want to enable camelCaseSearch support in all fields, just as Solr 4, add the following:

    Note: The spell check functionality does not work with Solr 6 as suggestion is disabled for scalability purpose.
  4. To start Solr 6 with all the default settings, use the following command:

    ./solr/bin/solr start -a "-Dcreate.alfresco.defaults=alfresco,archive"

    This command automatically creates the SkyVault and the archive cores.

    The command line parameter, -a passes additional JVM parameters, for example, system properties using -D.

    Note: You should run this application as a dedicated user. For example, you can create a Solr user.
    Note: To ensure that Solr 6 connects using IPv6 protocol instead of IPv4, add to the Solr 6 startup parameters.

    Once your Solr 6 is up and running, you should see a message like:

    Waiting up to 180 seconds to see Solr running on port 8983 [\]  
    Started Solr server on port 8983 (pid=24289). Happy searching!
    To stop the currently running Solr 6 instance, use:
    ./solr/bin/solr stop

    The Solr 6 logs are stored in the SkyVault-search-services/logs/solr.log file, by default. This can be configured in

    You have successfully created an SkyVault core and an archive core. To verify, in a browser, navigate to the Solr URL, http://localhost:8983/solr. In the Solr Admin UI, select the core selector drop-down list and verify that both the SkyVault and archive cores are present in the list.

    Allow a few minutes for Solr 6 to start indexing.

  5. Go to Admin Console > Repository Services > Search Service and verify that:
    1. You see the Solr 6 option in the Search Service In Use list.
    2. Under Main (Workspace) Store Tracking Status, the Approx Transactions to Index is 0.
  6. Decommission Solr 4.
    1. Disable Solr 4 tracking in the SkyVault/solr4/workspace-SpacesStore/conf/ file.

    2. To remove the Solr 4 web application and indexes, stop the Tomcat server which is running Solr 4.
    3. Remove the <ALFRESCO_HOME>/tomcat/webapps/solr4 directory and the <ALFRESCO_HOME>/tomcat/webapps/solr4.war file.
    4. Remove the <ALFRESCO_HOME>/tomcat/conf/Catalina/localhost/solr4.xml file.
    5. Finally, remove the Solr 4 indexes.