You can use filters on the fields you've added to a report to restrict the amount of
data that's presented in the report.
For example, if you select to report on the number of different file types on your sites,
you can filter the report so that only file types on the site you specify are shown.
In fact, when you're creating a Site Report, it's required that you include a Site ID field on the report and then filter by selecting one or more sites.
next to the field you want to edit in the Layout panel.
Tip: You can also set up a filter by:- Clicking
in the Report Preview panel, then when the filters area opens dragging a field onto it from the Fields panel.
- Clicking on a section of a report on the Report Preview panel and selecting
Keep Only or Exclude. You can clear
these types of filters by clicking
then x to remove the filter.
- Clicking
Choose from the following options:
- Select from a list - this is the default option, continue at the next step.
- Match a specific string - if you select this option, then select either Contains or Doesn't Contain and enter a string. You can click Add another value to add more as required. Continue at step 5.
Note: If you're setting up a filter on a date field then the options available are to choose from a commonly used period such as the current month or previous month, or to choose from a list or range of dates. - By default selections will be Included, but you can select Excluded if that works better for the filter.
Click on a item in the list and click > to select it for the filter, or click >> to add all
items on the list to the filter.
You can repeat this as many times as required, or click < to deselect items. Assuming you selected Included, then the filter will only include items on this list. For example, if you're filtering on the Site ID field, then only sites you select here will be included in the analytics report.
Note: If you can't find the item you're looking for then you can enter it into the search box and click Find. - The Parameter Name is only required if you're creating a Site Report. On the Site ID field you must set up a filter and when you've selected the sites for the filter select the Parameter Name option and enter a Parameter Name of "site".
Click OK.
You'll see that the filter has been added to the top of the Report Preview panel.