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Manage the document versions

Selecting a previous version of the document in the Versions saved for local.docx dialog box enables both the Restore and Delete buttons.
Let’s restore the original version of the document as your current version. The dialog box will have closed automatically in the previous task.

To replace the current document with a previous version:

  1. Click the Microsoft Office button and select Server, then View Version History.
  2. On the Versions saved for local.docx dialog box, select the original document (version 1.0) in the version list and click Restore.
  3. Click Yes to confirm that you want to replace the current version of the document with the selected version.

    Note: Office may prompt you to log in again.

    Word replaces the content of the current version with the content of version 1.0.

  4. Click the Microsoft Office button and select Server, then View Version History.

    Notice that restoring the original content has created a new version: 3.0.

    A read-only copy of version 2.0 of the document remains open.

  5. Click Close on the Versions saved for local.docx dialog box.

    The document local.docx, now displaying its original content, remains open.

  6. Close the version 2.0 copy of local.docx.