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Removing published content

You can remove content published to an external website directly from the document library.
This task assumes you are in the library of the desired site.
  1. Navigate the library’s folder structure to locate the content you want to unpublish.

    You can move a content item or a folder. When you relocate a folder all of its content, including subfolders, move with it.

  2. Click the name or thumbnail of the desired item in the list to display the details page.
  3. Locate the currently published version in the Publishing History section.
  4. Click the Unpublish icon to the right of the content to remove it from its external location.

    A message prompts you to confirm the action.

  5. Click OK.

    A message lets you know that the content has been placed in a queue to be unpublished.

    A new event appears in the Publishing History list. Once complete the status displays Unpublished. Refresh the page as necessary to update the status.