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Uploading and transforming content

Define a transformation rule that converts content as it is uploaded to a space.

In the following scenario, you want to use some marketing content in a technical document. However, the marketing content is in PDF format only. To use the text, define a transformation rule that converts content to a different format.

  1. Navigate to the Drafts space in Project Voodoo. From the More Actions menu, select Manage Content Rules.
  2. Click Create Rule.
  3. Complete Step One using the following information.
    1. Select Name contains value as the Condition.
    2. Type *.pdf as the condition value.

      Create Rule Wizard: Set condition values
  4. In Step Two, set the action as follows:
    1. Select Transform and copy content as the Action.
    2. Select Plain Text as the action value.
    3. Select the Drafts space as the Destination.

      Create Rule Wizard: Set action values
  5. Enter the following details in Step Three:
    1. Specify Items are created or enter this folder as the Type.
    2. Type Transform PDFs as the Title.
  6. Click Finish to complete the wizard.
  7. Click Close.

    Now you can upload a file to exercise the rule.

  8. Click Add Content in the Drafts space header, then browse to and select any PDF file available on your computer.

    Add Content Dialog
  9. When the message confirming the upload displays, uncheck Modify all properties when this page closes and click OK. The Drafts space now contains two new documents: the PDF file and the text version of it.

    Drafts space with uploaded content