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Additional transform options

If you have installed a transformation tool, such as SkyVault Outlook Integration or Transformation Server, there are additional transform options available to you.

The tables give details of registered file types with information about their available transform options. See Standard transform options for all standard transform options.

You can also view more information about file types and the proxies used to transform them by using the browser command:
where localhost:8080 is the host and port number of your active SkyVault Content Services instance.

SkyVault Outlook Integration

SkyVault Outlook Integration provides two transformers (com.westernacher.wps.alfresco.transformers.mail.aspose.EML_MSG2PdfTransformer and com.westernacher.wps.alfresco.transformers.mail.aspose.EML_MSG2PngTransformer) to manipulate PDF, image and Outlook email messages. The formats listed are in addition to the standard formats as specified in Standard transform options.

application/eps - eps, application/pdf - pdf, image/bmp - bmp, image/cgm - cgm, image/gif - gif, image/ief - ief, image/jp2 - jp2, image/jpeg - jpg, image/png - png, image/tiff - tiff, image/vnd.adobe.photoshop - psd, image/vnd.adobe.premiere - ppj, image/x-cmu-raster - ras, image/x-dwt - dwt, image/x-portable-anymap - pnm, image/x-portable-bitmap - pbm, image/x-portable-graymap - pgm, image/x-portable-pixmap - ppm, image/x-raw-adobe - dng, image/x-raw-canon - cr2, image/x-raw-fuji - raf, image/x-raw-hasselblad - 3fr, image/x-raw-kodak - k25, image/x-raw-leica - rwl, image/x-raw-minolta - mrw, image/x-raw-nikon - nef, image/x-raw-olympus - orf, image/x-raw-panasonic - rw2, image/x-raw-pentax - pef, image/x-raw-red - r3d, image/x-raw-sigma - x3f, image/x-raw-sony - arw, image/x-xbitmap - xbm, image/x-xpixmap - xpm, image/x-xwindowdump - xwd
Format Transformable from:
application/ Yes
message/rfc822 Yes
application/ - msg and message/rfc822 - eml
Format Transformable to:
application/eps Yes
application/pdf Yes
image/bmp Yes
image/cgm Yes
image/gif Yes
image/ief Yes
image/jp2 Yes
image/jpeg Yes
image/png Yes
image/tiff Yes
image/vnd.adobe.photoshop Yes
image/vnd.adobe.premiere Yes
image/x-cmu-raster Yes
image/x-dwt Yes
image/x-portable-anymap Yes
image/x-portable-bitmap Yes
image/x-portable-graymap Yes
image/x-portable-pixmap Yes
image/x-raw-adobe Yes
image/x-raw-canon Yes
image/x-raw-fuji Yes
image/x-raw-hasselblad Yes
image/x-raw-kodak Yes
image/x-raw-leica Yes
image/x-raw-minolta Yes
image/x-raw-nikon Yes
image/x-raw-olympus Yes
image/x-raw-panasonic Yes
image/x-raw-pentax Yes
image/x-raw-red Yes
image/x-raw-sigma Yes
image/x-raw-sony Yes
image/x-xbitmap Yes
image/x-xpixmap Yes
image/x-xwindowdump Yes

Transformation Server

Transformation Server gives an alternative method of remote transformation for a range of applications including pdf, Word, Excel, Powerpoint and openxmlformats. It also supports a range of image transformations. The formats listed are in addition to the standard formats as specified in Standard transform options.

application/pdf - pdf
Format Transformable from:
application/ Yes
application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.slideshow Yes
application/ - ppsm, application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.slideshow - ppsx
Format Transformable to:
application/pdf Yes
application/x-shockwave-flash Yes

SkyVault Media Management

SkyVault Media Management provides additional options for audio, video and image transformations. The formats are listed in SkyVault Media Management transform options.